Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Injured Back.

Well, who doesn't but now that I am in those shoes, let me say it. I get terribly irritated when I am injured. Its a fucking nightmare. For the past two hours, I have been trying to make that comfortable posture which would not flare up my broken rib muscle. 5 minutes on left side, next 5 on right, then on the straight back, then the face down, then with a pillow supporting the rib and then I decide to get up and write about it. It is a fucking nightmare when you cannot concentrate on the hundred other gaping shit-holes of your life and have to keep staring at the one which is least significant but aches the most.

God knows how do I end up with such crappy things. An early morning tennis game, a slip while picking a drop shot close to the net, I fall down and wake up to a twisted ankle and a broken rib muscle/tissue/tendon (Whatever the heck it is). The ankles is somehow friendlier than rib (Or was it the reebok effect :), gets healed in a day or two but the rib fails to succumb ever after two weeks.

And now that I have written two paragraphs about it at 5:00 am at night/morning, I know its going to be a bad day. A day in office with heavy and sleepy eyes, ha.....I say thank you. Got any more shit for me?


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