Friday, January 26, 2007

The beginning

Its not very frequent that I happen to fall in the inviting arms of these rare moments when I don't care to bother about anything happening around and about me. I half-sit on this mattress, fingers keep running on the laptop and thoughts do not cease to flow as they do almost every time when I try to force them.

In retrospect, I realize that I have taken some of the most sane decisions in these very moments. I trust them. I love them. Only problem is that I can't invoke them at will.

I don't know why but probably, out of caprice, I am making these writings public. I do not see any motive, nor do I seek any benefit. I certainly do not claim to make a difference any damn where. Its a pure unadulterated caprice.

Lets see where does it lead to.


Unknown said...

it leads people to come into your mind and read your precious thoughts... :-)
keep writing, you writes very good.

Siddhish said...

Thanks for the kind words.
'd appreciate if you can introduce urself.